Danny Phantom
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Here's the scoop...


Coming next: Eye For An Eye
Summary: Danny and Vlad’s game of revenge against each other begins with childish pranks, and, unfortunately for Danny, ends when Vlad decides to run for mayor of Amity Park! By overshadowing voters, Vlad wins in a landslide. The new mayor is eager to use his new power to make life as miserable as possible for Danny and his friends. He shuts down the Nasty Burger, outlaws technology, creates new school uniforms, and passes so many new laws in the name of “protecting the children" that Danny finds it impossible to go ghost.
Airing: July 23, 2007



Here I'll include some of the juicier stuff I hear. No guarantee of the accuracy of anything you read in this column!
It is thought that Danny and Sam will become a couple at the end of the season.


Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!

This is for all Danny Phantom fans